AWS Management console



AWS Management Console

AWS provides a plethora of services and tools for designing, implementing, safeguarding, and managing cloud-based apps and services. This "affluence" can, conversely, make it difficult to obtain insights into performance, utilization, and costs, particularly for organizations with multiple AWS accounts and a large number of self-provisioning users along through multiple lines of business. To resolve these issues, AWS offers the AWS Management Console, a free web-based app that allows for single-pane management of AWS accounts, services, and users.

AWS architecture overview



AWS Platform architecture

Cloud Architect has become one of the talking points associated with the cloud that I'm quite certain you might have heard. But who is a Cloud Architect and what does a Cloud Architect do? Stick with me until the very end of this article as we examine and analyze the architectural concepts that comprise cloud computing services. Cloud computing necessitates the unification and collaboration of multiple technologies and service providers, all of which contribute to the effectiveness of this new model.

AWS overview



Amazon Web Services: An Overview

Cloud computing has grown dramatically in recent years, with an increasing number of organizations abandoning physical data centers in favor of the cloud. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the first name that comes to mind when we talk about cloud computing. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the IT industry's cloud computing trendsetter. Amazon Web Services is a holistic cloud computing platform that is constantly evolving. It offers a mix of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and packaged software as a service (SaaS).

Cloud computing



What is cloud computing

The evolution of technology has paved way for innovation in the way data and information are stored, processed, and transferred with cloud computing playing a vital role in this technological innovation. The structural analysis of algorithmic systems that define and interpret data, including their theory, assessment, architecture, effectiveness, execution, and application, is known as computing. While the term cloud computing may not sound familiar, It is also used to refer to a paradigm shift;




Richardson Maturity Model

The Richardson Maturity Model (RMM) is a maturity model suggested by Leonard Richardson to assess the maturity of a API service. In other words, the Richardson Maturity Model can be used to determine how well a Web service architecture adheres to REST principles. It defines the four levels (0–3) based on URI, HTTP verbs, and hypermedia. Each layer builds on top of maturity of the layer below. The higher the API in the level, the more mature it is.