EC2 features

AWS EC2 overview

Ama­zon Web Ser­vices has been one of the promi­nent mar­ket Cloud Ser­vice Providers. At over 32% of the glob­al pub­lic cloud cus­tomer base, it’s no coin­ci­dence that AWS serves over 190 coun­tries and is rec­og­nized for the 200+ ser­vices it pro­vides with a scal­able, effi­cient, and low-cost infra­struc­ture. And one of the most pow­er­ful and wide­ly used cloud ser­vices is Ama­zon EC2 (Elas­tic Cloud Com­pute), which is seam­less­ly one of the market’s most high­ly regard­ed Cloud services. 

This arti­cle will assist you in thor­ough­ly under­stand­ing and explor­ing AWS EC2. Ama­zon EC2 is a ser­vice that offers scal­able com­put­ing capac­i­ty in the AWS cloud. Using it allows orga­ni­za­tions to devel­op and deploy appli­ca­tions more quick­ly, with­out hav­ing to spend mon­ey on hard­ware upfront. A user-friend­ly inter­face allows users to start up vir­tu­al servers, cus­tomize secu­ri­ty and net­work­ing, and man­age cook­ies. We explored AWS Man­age­ment Con­sole in the pre­vi­ous arti­cle. Today, we will delve deep­er into the analy­sis of Ama­zon EC2 or Ama­zon Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud and its functionalities. 

A con­ven­tion­al data center/​server room’s key objec­tive is its valu­able servers. How­ev­er, for those servers to be effec­tive, you will need to install racks, pow­er sup­plies, cabling, switch­es, fire­walls, and cool­ing. The Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud (EC2) of Ama­zon Web Ser­vices (AWS) is intend­ed to imi­tate, i.e, act as a repli­ca of the As much as pos­si­ble, repli­cate the data cen­ter room experience. 

The EC2 vir­tu­al serv­er, iden­ti­fied as an instance, is at the heart of it all. How­ev­er, sim­i­lar to the local serv­er room I just men­tioned, EC2 sup­plies a set of tools to assist and improve the oper­a­tional activ­i­ties of your instance. Ama­zon EC2 is with­out a ques­tion the most pop­u­lar AWS ser­vice, allow­ing users to deploy and man­age serv­er instances at any moment and for as long as they require.

What exact­ly is AWS EC2? #

EC2 is the bedrock com­pute ele­ment of the tech­nol­o­gy stack among the wide assort­ment of ser­vices pro­vid­ed by Ama­zon. In prin­ci­ple, EC2 sim­pli­fies the lives of devel­op­ers by ensur­ing reli­able, scal­able com­pute capac­i­ty in the cloud. It immense­ly stream­lines the task of scal­ing up or down, can be incor­po­rat­ed into a vari­ety of oth­er ser­vices, and comes with a pay-as-you-go plan. Ama­zon EC2 is one of the most pop­u­lar and fun­da­men­tal ser­vices offered by Ama­zon, so it makes log­i­cal sense, to begin with, EC2 if you are unfa­mil­iar with AWS. But the first ques­tion is, what exact­ly is EC2 in AWS?

To put it sim­ply, it is a com­put­er with your pre­ferred oper­at­ing sys­tem and hard­ware com­po­nents. The dis­tinc­tion is that it is entire­ly vir­tu­al­ized. Mul­ti­ple vir­tu­al com­put­ers can be exe­cut­ed on a sin­gle piece of phys­i­cal hard­ware. How­ev­er, AWS EC2 is a com­pute ser­vice that offers IaaS ser­vices on the AWS Cloud Plat­form. IaaS is an abbre­vi­a­tion for Infra­struc­ture as a Ser­vice. That is, AWS offers a com­pre­hen­sive infra­struc­ture that you can con­fig­ure to suit your require­ments, allow­ing you to cre­ate and deploy appli­ca­tions more quick­ly. Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud (EC2) is a crit­i­cal com­po­nent of the AWS envi­ron­ment. In the AWS cloud, EC2 facil­i­tates on-demand, scal­able com­put­ing capacity.

Ama­zon EC2 instances erad­i­cate the neces­si­ties for upfront hard­ware financ­ing, as well as the, have to sus­tain any rent­ed hard­ware. It allows you to devel­op and run appli­ca­tions more quick­ly. AWS EC2 allows you to deploy as many vir­tu­al servers as you require You can also scale up or down in response to an incre­ment or decline in web­site traffic. 

The term elas­tic’ in Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud refers to the system’s flex­i­bil­i­ty to cope with fluc­tu­at­ing work­loads and avail­abil­i­ty or de-pro­vi­sion resources based on con­sump­tion Using EC2, you can ini­ti­ate var­i­ous types of instances. Let us first describe what instances are. Con­sid­er Instances, which are noth­ing more than micro­com­put­ers with their own small stor­age, net­work, and com­pute capac­i­ty. Instances are the name giv­en to these microcomputers. 

In a more tech­ni­cal sense, these are sim­ply vir­tu­al machines that exist on a serv­er but appear to be oper­at­ing on your sys­tem. Ama­zon EC2 pro­vides instances that can oper­ate a Win­dows oper­at­ing sys­tem, an Ubun­tu or Lin­ux oper­at­ing sys­tem, or a com­bi­na­tion of the two. It is con­ceiv­able to take back­ups of data, as well as gen­er­ate copies or frame­works of cur­rent­ly used instances, using these instances. AWS EC2 has a large fam­i­ly of EC2 instances that dif­fer depend­ing on sev­er­al con­sid­er­a­tions. AWS EC2 instances are clas­si­fied as follows:

  1. Gen­er­al Pur­pose Instances
  2. Com­pute Optimized
  3. Mem­o­ry-Opti­mized
  4. Stor­age Optimized
  5. Accel­er­at­ed Computing

Fea­tures of Ama­zon Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud #

AWS EC2 best features:

  • When you end or abort your instance, stor­age vol­umes for tem­po­rary data are erased; these are regard­ed as instance store volumes.
  • The term vir­tu­al com­put­ing envi­ron­ments,” is regard­ed as instances”.
  • A frame­work con­tain­ing a soft­ware struc­ture such as an oper­at­ing sys­tem, servers, and appli­ca­tions is known as an Ama­zon Machine Image (AMI). This fea­ture is need­ed for the serv­er because it offers pre-con­fig­ured for­mats for your instances, which are rec­og­nized as Ama­zon Machine Images.
  • Ama­zon EBS uses Elas­tic Block Store to sup­ply you with pro­longed stor­age vol­umes for your data.
  • AWS EC2 offers mul­ti­ple stor­age loca­tions for your resources, includ­ing instances and EBS vol­umes, referred to as regions and avail­abil­i­ty zones.
  • Tags are gen­er­at­ed for cre­at­ing and allo­cat­ing meta­da­ta to resources.
  • The Elas­tic IP address, which is a sta­t­ic IPv4, is cre­at­ed for dynam­ic cloud computing.
  • For your instances, diverse setups of hard­ware, mem­o­ry, stor­age, and net­work­ing poten­tial are referred to as instance varieties.
  • The term Vir­tu­al Pri­vate Net­work” refers to vir­tu­al net­works that you infre­quent­ly link to your network.
  • AWS EC2 has mul­ti­ple loca­tions around the world. These loca­tions are divid­ed into regions and avail­abil­i­ty zones.
  • Ama­zon EC2 encrypts and decrypts login cre­den­tials using the pub­lic– key.
  • AWS secu­ri­ty groups are asso­ci­at­ed with EC2 instances and offer addi­tion­al pro­ce­dures and port access protection.
  • Ama­zon EC2 and Ama­zon VPC are two ser­vices pro­vid­ed by Ama­zon. Ama­zon Vir­tu­al Pri­vate Cloud enables you to set up a sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly con­fined sec­tion of the AWS Cloud from which you can deploy AWS resources in a vir­tu­al net­work of your choosing.

Why Ama­zon EC2? #

AWS Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud offers numer­ous advan­tages, includ­ing the following:


This is the process of allo­cat­ing resources based on con­sump­tion They either scale up or scale down in response to the change in demand.

Pay as you go:

You will be billed by the hour, and you will only be asked to pay for how much you have uti­lized. A cor­po­ra­tion, TTT, may rou­tine­ly use 100 servers, but on Mon­days, it scales down to 50 servers. As a result, it only has to pay for 50 servers on those days, rather than the cus­tom­ary fee for the use of 100 servers. Even if you only uti­lize your Ama­zon EC2 instances ser­vices for a few hours, you only have to pay for that period.


Reli­a­bil­i­ty AWS is dis­trib­uted across 20 glob­al regions with 61 avail­abil­i­ty zones (AZs), which ben­e­fits your busi­ness as it grows. This will also sig­nif­i­cant­ly raise the load rate of your appli­ca­tion all over the world. You can still con­tain mul­ti­ple ver­sions of your appli­ca­tion in dif­fer­ent AZs so that the appli­ca­tion does not crash if one data cen­ter fails or los­es data.


Rather than just ten low-con­fig­u­ra­tion machines, you can rent a sin­gle high-con­fig­u­ra­tion machine with your favored oper­at­ing sys­tem for your appli­ca­tion. Elas­tic­i­ty is the fea­ture that gave rise to the name Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud.

AWS EC2 Stor­age #

Ama­zon EC2 stor­age con­sists of two types of storage:

  • Ama­zon EBS stor­age: Ama­zon Elas­tic Block Store pro­vides block-lev­el stor­age that is per­fect­ly com­pat­i­ble with the EC2 instance. Fur­ther­more, they are eas­i­ly acces­si­ble and depend­able, and they can con­nect to any work­ing instance in the same Location.
  • Store Instances It is made up of one or more iden­ti­cal blocks. The mag­ni­tude of this instance and the num­ber of devices usable vary depend­ing on the instance type.

AWS EC2 can be used to direct­ly eval­u­ate EC2 resources such as instances and vol­umes. Fur­ther­more, there are numer­ous tools avail­able for mon­i­tor­ing EC2 resources, such as

  • AWS cloud for­ma­tion user manual.
  • AWS cloud for­ma­tion user guide.
  • AWS Elas­tic Beanstalk Devel­op­ers User Guide.
  • EC2 Auto Scal­ing User Guide.
  • AWS Ops Work User Guide.

Elas­tic Load Bal­anc­ing #

AWS ELB allo­cates received appli­ca­tion traf­fic along with all numer­ous instances auto­mat­i­cal­ly. As your require­ments tran­si­tion, you can add or delete com­pute resources from your load bal­ancer with­out dis­rupt­ing the gen­er­al flow of requests to your applications.

Cloud­watch by Ama­zon #

Ama­zon Cloud­watch can be used to mon­i­tor sta­tis­ti­cal infor­ma­tion for your instances and Ama­zon EBS vol­umes. Ama­zon Cloud Watch Events pro­vides a near-real-time chan­nel of scheme events describ­ing changes to Ama­zon Web Ser­vices resources. Using Amazon’s Cloud­watch, acti­vat­ing a Lamb­da func­tion when a new AWS EC2 instance starts is car­ried out.

Ama­zon Cloud­trail #

Ama­zon Cloud­trail mon­i­tors calls ren­dered to the AWS EC2 API (Appli­ca­tion Pro­gram­ming Inter­face) for the per­son­al account. It can be used for AWS Man­age­ment Con­sole, com­mand-line tools, and oth­er ser­vice calls.

Ama­zon EC2 Access EC2 #

This includes a web-based inter­face known as the Ama­zon EC2 con­sole. Log in to the AWS Man­age­ment Con­sole and choose EC2 to locate the Ama­zon EC2 con­sole. There are two ways to gain entry to Ama­zon Elas­tic Com­pute Cloud:

  • AWS CLI (Com­mand-Line Interface).
  • Ama­zon Web Ser­vices Tools for Win­dows Pow­er Shell

Con­clu­sion #

EC2 is a very con­cise, wide­ly used plat­form with gen­er­al­ly low­er pric­ing than close com­peti­tors Azure. The infi­nite­ly flex­i­ble plat­form with APIs and a diverse selec­tion of addi­tion­al soft­ware in the AWS mar­ket­place, on the oth­er hand, makes it appeal­ing to cloud experts. It’s a vast, high­ly exten­si­ble plat­form for mov­ing your busi­ness to the cloud.